Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Way We Treat Our Men

Watching an episode of the latest sitcom I was really disturbed at the way the man of the show was depicted. He was the butt of 90% of the jokes and so disrespected by his wife and kids. Then during the commercial break, I saw the same thing portrayed...supermom had to clean up what incompetent dad messed up. Even on Facebook we see the posts...when did this happen?

I used to watch shows like Leave It To Beaver, in which dad was respected and seen as wise. Even the Brady Bunch...you never saw anyone badmouth the ex-husband. There was more respect then, and that was right in the middle of the women's lib movement.

When did we decide that to be free of men we had to belittle them? When did we decide our men should be put down on a regular basis? We are no more than bullies if we are putting them down in order to lift ourselves up.

Do you ever wonder if men leave children behind because we made them think we could do better without them? I think we have proven that as a society, we can't. Fathers play a major role in the welfare, development, and behavior of our children.  Fathers give up so much to love, support, and nurture and because we don't acknowledge their sacrifices, they have not only become neglected, but something to jest.

Our culture needs another shift - a shift towards respecting our husbands, our men, and letting them know we need them.  Yes, it may mean coming under leadership when we yearn for freedom and independence, but when two work together to raise a family, they are strong her and better than they would be if alone.

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