Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A Scary Dream That Taught Some Truth

Yeah, I like to write. I would say I've got a knack for it. My husband calls it a gift. My pastor calls me talented. But whatever anyone calls it, it is something I enjoy with all my heart.

When I became a wife, I learned quickly that my life was not my own anymore and that it was very rude to leave the nightstand light on when the hubby needs his sleep. So I stopped writing at night from bed. Not a huge loss, the desk works better anyway, and there are other fun things to do at night when you're married (wink, wink).

Then we had children - three in 30 months. I got busy with diapers, feedings, laundry, naptimes, etc and again lost a few other opportunities to write. It wasn't a loss I felt at the time, I was too busy!

About four years ago I became aware of a county poetry contest sponsored by the local library. I decided to enter (since poems are my favorite!) I didn't win, but it felt good to have written something. I didn't write anything else until the contest came around again - a full year later. Again, I didn't place, and this time I was a little sad, because I missed writing and also (if I am honest) because I was beginning to doubt that I had any talent at all.

It was shortly after this when I had the dream.

I was surrounded by people all carrying notebooks, pens, pencils, journals, even laptops - anything you could write with or on. They were creating the most beautiful lyrics, verses, the most wonderful prose. I was in awe and wanted to add my part, but I had nothing to write with. I borrowed something, but no words would come. I started to panic and when I woke I knew what had happened in my dream - GOD had taken my talent away and given it to those other people.

I cried and repented. I know HIS word says that if we don't use our talents, HE will take them away and give them to someone who will use them. Even if the talent is small to start with (like mine). I decided I had to MAKE time to write again. The kids were older at that point, so it was a little easier and I made the goal to write one poem per month. After a year, I realized I had done it - I had reached my goal! And when I entered the poetry contest again, this time I took first place!

Use your talents. Whether it's car alignment or scrapbooking or dog training, GOD has a purpose for what you can do. You'll be better off using it now than not having your talent at all. And my goal for this year is two poems per month.

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