Monday, May 10, 2010

I Don't Have It All

Something clicked yesterday. I was teaching our 6th grade kids class and asked who had rough days (the point being that they could talk to GOD on those rough days). The things they shared blew my mind away!!! I never thought about the struggles and confusion they face when adults fight, when bullies attack, when friends lie to them, or when they have to move (like my kids did). I felt woefully ill-prepared to teach them, that's for sure!
I know how to help teenagers (for the most part). I know how to relate to adults too. But what do I say to a 10 year old when they were attacked by a bully on the playground and got in trouble for pushing the bully away? "Well, just pray" didn't seem good enough.
At our church we are blessed with an amazing woman who knows these answers. She is our children's pastor and teaches the abstract of GOD in an understandable way to these kids. Even as a parent of three in this age group, I am not able to do what she does. When my family moved two states away and the kids left their friends behind, I mostly consoled them with writing letters and the promise of occasional calls. You know, that really wasn't good enough. Their hearts were breaking. But they were able to turn to Pastor Lisa and find the peace they needed.

I may be their parent, but I don't have everything they will need.

That was hard to admit. I'm stubborn, I guess. But I'm also thankful for Pastor Lisa. It's great to know that when I lack, I am surrounded by others who can lift and support. You can fix on a certain way of doing things that seems right and looks right, but isn't completely right. But when someone comes alongside you who has it right where you don't, it's like a fresh breeze, revitalizing and fulfilling. All of a sudden you are changed, and for the better.
So next week in Kingdom Kids (children's church for y'all) I will be better prepared after having spent some time rubbing shoulders with Pastor Lisa.

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