Saturday, April 26, 2014

Roots Unseen

There's this tree a few blocks from our church that is tall, beautiful, and majestic, even with winter's bareness still on it.  It's strong and thick, and has obviously been growing and thriving for many decades.  Then, one day, I was struck by the roots.  Even though they were underground, they had completely moved the sidewalk out of the way, reducing it to crumbles of concrete.
It dawned on me that people can be like that tree.  We grow tall and strong. Over the decades, we become beautiful and majestic, no matter the season we are in.  And most of our strength, like the tree, can be found in the roots.
In our roots, we find our connections to the nutrients and water we need, yet they are hidden from view.  In our relationship with Jesus, our strength and nourishment come from the hidden time we spend with our Savior.  In those roots, we find our anchor and connection, the reason we can grow so tall and radiate majesty.  All of which are hidden.
How many times are we discouraged by our seeming lack of growth?  How many times do we feel concrete barriers blocking us from getting to where we want to be? 
This tree shows us that there is no barrier strong enough to keep GOD's growth from bursting forth in our lives.  Our strength and growth all happen unseen and underground until it is time for it to be upward and seen.  There has to be a strong root system before a full grown tree can be supported. All of that takes place in the hidden underground.  
Sometimes even hidden from ourselves.
If you find yourself discouraged, take a cue from this tree.  Know that you are growing, you are strong, and you are hidden in HIM.  HE will take care of the growth.  Have faith.  You are more than a tree.

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