Thursday, March 3, 2011

Speaking of Dreams...

My husband had a dream last night that effected him tremendously. He dreamed I cheated on him.

And not just the infidelity. He said that in the dream the new guy was the "love of my life" and "my whole heart". He woke up at three am ready to fight!

Lucky for me, he realized it was a dream enough to let me sleep a little longer, even though he never did fall back to sleep himself. Every time he closed his eyes the scenes would replay. When I woke up and he told me what happened, I told him it was just a nightmare and ridiculous that I could even THINK of anyone else. I tried to reason with him, saying it was just a dream, a horrible nightmare sure, but not real at all. But because it was so very vivid, he couldn't shake the emotions that it stirred up inside.

So dreams versus this case the dream nearly won. He was so hurt by this dream that he was really hurt in real, waking life. How can you convince someone of something that doesn't exist when they feel it so strongly?

Nope, no answers here...but lots of reassurance from me gradually pulled him back to the world of light. GOD protect his dreams!

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