Sunday, June 20, 2010

Yes and No

GOD is such a big GOD. I learned today a little bit more about how big HE is. HE is sooo big that even HIS no answers, HIS silence, or what we perceive as the lack of HIS presence can move as many mountains as HIS powerful YES!

I was a little concerned about a young woman in our church. I wanted to go and comfort and was thinking about doing just that, pondering what I should say (I may be a little crazy, but I kinda rehearse conversations in my head in advance - just being honest!). But GOD said "No". I, of course, said "What?" It seemed like such a good and GOD-ly thing to do. I mean, really, it was comfort. But because of the position this woman is in because of her choices, GOD said no. I pressed HIM. I am a stubborn woman and I admit it. No is not my favorite answer. But HE showed me! HIS no is as powerful as HIS yes. HE can do just as much with silence as HE can with thunder. And HE let me know in no uncertain terms, that HIS plan for this woman was for me to be silent so HE could work. So HE could do the job (without me getting in the way!)

Now I am still a little hard-headed and it takes a lot to get through sometimes (and this trait has to work side by side with my reluctance to change), so I almost didn't accept that explanation. But then I saw HIS no answer in action. Another woman was considering separating from her husband (it was an internal battle she hadn't discussed with anyone yet). I felt the urge to tell her what GOD had shown me about the power in HIS no answers, the magnitude of HIS silence. I told her this may be a 'no' time in her life right now. She cried and felt GOD had given her the answer - to stay put in her marriage and let HIM work.

Seeing the power of HIS no give a marriage a second chance was convincing. Who am I to have a problem if HE decides 'no' is the better answer? Who am I to force HIM to answer at all when the lesson has to be learned in the silence of waiting? Lord, have Your way in me. Keep teaching me the truth of who You are and how You work. Even if You have to teach it through Your silence.

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