Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Confession Time

It's time for me to admit something that is getting harder and harder to conceal.

I cry - A LOT!!!

This affliction seems laughable (which can also trigger the waterworks) but it has caused a lot of confusion in my family. My husband can say something hurtful or something uplifting and is really perplexed when he sees the same reaction running down my cheeks. My tender-hearted children walk into the living room just after a touching commercial and look around in confusion as they try to figure out what made Mom so sad.

It's getting a little easier for them as they understand me a little more. Watching one of those really heartfelt animated flicks, my son yelled across the room "you can quit crying now, Mom!" when the scene departed from the poignant. He's 8.

But the thing I find most interesting is the change that has come over my husband. When we married 13 years ago, he knew I was a softie (although the actual depth of my tenderness was still a mystery) and he was my warrior (which, interestingly enough, is what his name actually means). He's strong, inside and out, but lately, he's been crying even more than I have. (Okay, that was an exaggeration, but he has welled up much more frequently than our first year of marriage.)

This tells me a lot about tears.

  • My strong man has only gotten stronger, and yet he cries more - there is strength in tears.
  • Tears are a release and an outlet - crying can therefore be a time of cleansing.
  • My husband cries more and has his guard up less - tears can be a sign of comfort and rest.
  • Even laughter can cause the tears to fall - joy and pain can have a relationship in the depths of our hearts.

So I confess, I cry, I sob, I well-up, and I rest, cleanse, and strengthen my soul.

I cry.

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