I CANNOT get away from this topic in my mind!!!
A little over a month ago I was reading about Jesus' Crucifixion. Now, I have this quirk in which I can't read about the sacrifice on the cross in one chapter and leave the next chapter (the Resurrection) for the next day. I am a happy person who likes happy endings, and I want them NOW! I don't like lengthy suffering. But this time when I read about the suffering, the sacrifice, the pain, and the agony, I was interrupted and didn't get back to this for THREE WHOLE DAYS!! The OCD in me was in overdrive by the time I picked my Bible up again.
But those three days gave me a lot of time to really digest what I had read; time to really meditate on the fullness of this incredible and world-changing act. And because of this time, I gained some wisdom that I had never let fully develop before because I was always in such a hurry to get to the happy.
While on the Cross, Jesus was mocked. The people said things like 'You think You're so great - save Yourself!' and 'If You were really the Son of GOD you would come down from there!' (Not from any literal translation and the emphasis on the 'if' is mine). Then the church leaders got in on the mocking action. "HE saved others, but can't save HIMself! Let GOD save HIM, if HE even wants HIM!" (Again, the 'if' emphasis is mine).
After this we see Jesus utterly alone and forsaken. Even HIS Father GOD has turned away. Then HE dies.
In that moment, where all hope is gone, darkness reigns, and it seems evil has won, we see the power of the hand of GOD. From the NIV it says, "At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks split. The tombs broke open and the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. They came out of the tombs, and after Jesus' resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many people."
It was in that moment of pain, loss, and power that the centurion who had mocked Jesus was compelled by something greater than himself to utter, 'Surely, HE was the Son of GOD!'
HE was moved from IF to SURELY in the moment when all of GOD's power seemed impotent. When all of GOD's plans, HIS promises, HIS potential was hanging dead on the cross was the very moment when an onlooker was moved from a place of if and maybe to a place that was a rock-solid, definite, I-know-this-for-certain surely.
How many times have you been in a place of loss? And, though I hate to ask, how many times in that tough place have people questioned the power of GOD in your life? Maybe you've even questioned it yourself. "If You are real then why am I suffering?" "If You really loved me I wouldn't be here right now!" "Maybe I'm just not good enough for HIM to care what I am going through."
Let me point out that it was this point of suffering that released GOD's power. It wasn't the Resurrection that shook the earth, split rocks, or raised the dead. It was Jesus' death that did all that! And it was HIS death that moved hearts to that 'surely' place where GOD is GOD no matter what!
I guess this will end with a challenge...in your suffering, look for GOD's hand to move. Expect it. Anticipate it. And stand strong and wait for it. For surely, in GOD's world, there is power in suffering and life to be found in death.
Monday, May 2, 2011
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